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What students, parents, friends and other Chess players have shared with us ...

Chess club at Saint Stephen's Episcopal Day School
Play time both looking at the board and pieces
Teaching a lesson on the demonstration board
Chess lesson in Brickell
Our National Champion trained by NM Robert Ramirez
Our Chess champion receiving his trophy at the Epicure
Ready to start the game!!
First group at St Stephen's Chess Club
Best Chess coach in South Florida
Cute girl playing tournament
Brickell Chess club
Small children playing their first game
National Scholastic Chess Championship
Shaking hands before the match starts
Chess summer camp at Florida International University (FIU)
Fun activities to improve your memory
Playing online from home
Our club at Kingdom academy
Student Pedro receives trophy
Tournament etiquette and rules
children playing chess
Meet your Chess instructor at Perez Art Museum
New Jersey Tournament
Epicure competition
National Master vs Grand Master
The best chess coach is here
University of Miami (UM)
South Pointe Chess club
NM Robert Ramirez visiting Thailand
Robert at Bangkok Chess club
Chess club in Dubai
Ready to play in dubai
Children playing Chess in Temple Beth AM
Chess World Champion
Magnus Carlsen as a kid
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